Solar Financing For Your Home

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Affordable Solar Financing Options

Solar panels are an investment. But unlike other major investments, such as buying a new car, home solar panels pay for themselves over time by saving you money on your power bills.

SunThrive Solar offers access to financing options that makes solar energy an affordable option for more Virginia homeowners. With flexible financing options available through our trusted partners,, we help you achieve the benefits of solar energy within your budget with the best financing available. Qualified customers can receive low rates with zero dollars out of pocket!


Pay nothing upfront

Qualified customers can start for $0 down.


Flexible financing options

Find the solution that works best for you.


Streamlined process

Apply with ease and enjoy fast credit processing

How Much Does Solar Cost?

solar neighborhood

No two solar arrays are the same. We take your power bill and customize your system to your electrical needs to ensure your solar array optimizes the suns full potential and you save money!

solar neighborhood
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How Does Solar Financing Work?

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It’s a question that we get from homeowners all the time. As with any home renovation, a solar installation can be a sizable investment to make to your home. We have financing options available that makes it a simple switch of paying for solar.


Get Your Free Quote

Your solar panel quote is just a phone call away. Contact our experienced team today to find out how much you can save with solar panel installation.


Secure Your Financing

With several flexible financing options available, there is no better time than now to go solar. Give us a call and let’s talk about solar power for your home.


Start Saving Money

Everybody loves to save money. That is one of the main reasons people make the switch to solar. Learn more about what our solar products can do for you.

Looking for a home solar cost estimate?

Call 757-769-5873 or book a free consultation.

Financing Your Complete Solar System Project

With our $0 down financing, create immediate savings

Step 1

Simply redirect the money for your monthly power bill payments to cover the solar loan payment.

Step 2

Deposit your installation rebate check

Step 3

Deposit a HUGE refund from Federal Solar Tax Credit

Step 4

Admire your bank account

Residential Solar Incentives


Solar incentives reduce the upfront cost of a solar installation and save more money over the lifespan of your solar energy system. We stay up-to-date on all solar incentives available in Virginia and will help you get the best deal on your solar installation with federal and local solar incentives.

30% Federal Solar Tax Credit

The federal solar tax credit is the best residential solar incentive currently available. It is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit that reduces your federal income tax liability by 30% of your solar installation costs, saving you 30% on your solar installation. The new Inflation Reduction Act solar tax credit will be available at its 30% value until 2032. It covers a significant portion of the costs associated with solar panel and battery installation.

Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECS)

In Virginia, you gain one SREC for every 1,000 kilowatt-hours generated by your solar panels which you can sell the credits to the local electricity providers and other organizations that are subject to renewable energy mandates. As of 2023, each SREC can be sold for around $45 – $70. If your solar energy panel system generates 10,000 kWh in a year, you can expect to sell 10 SRECS for a total of $450 – $700 allowing you to receive additional income to recover the cost of the solar installation faster.

Solar Net Metering

Net metering is a solar incentive that allows you to send the excess energy that your solar panels generated to the power grid. If there is a month where your energy generation is higher than your consumption, you can roll over the balance in your favor to the next month. Your account is credited for the energy you export and your credits are used to pay for the electricity from the grid when your solar panels are not producing enough.

How Solar Power Pays for Itself

Invest In The Future

Federal Tax Credit

30% Federal Tax Credit

Electric Bill

Reduce Electric Bill

Raise Property Value

Raise Property Value

Down Financing

$0 Down Financing

Use the Solar Tax Credit to Your Advantage


With the Inflation Reduction Act, there is a federal tax credit of 30% of the total project cost on solar installations. Here is how it works:


  1. Install your solar panel system.
  2. When you file your federal tax return, in April of the following year your solar panel system is installed, let your tax preparer know that you installed a solar energy system. 30% of the total cost of the project is eligible for the solar tax credit.
  3. If you receive the entire solar tax credit back as a tax refund, you can keep the tax credit to use towards other expenses or apply the tax credit to the principal balance of your solar loan and reduce the interest that you pay.

Start Saving On Electricity Bills!


Contact us today for a free solar site assessment and quote!